Showing category "Love" (Show all posts)


Posted by Sarah McCann on Sunday, July 13, 2014, In : Love 
Thinking this morning about inspiration. I came across this Maya Angelou quote (thank you Nona who posted it to Facebook):

"My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart."

And in this I found the inspiration to write this post. In these words, I found the love needed to open my heart and record words on the page. It is funny how great an impact a fe...
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Creative Support

Posted by Sarah McCann on Sunday, July 29, 2012, In : Love 
I know that I have written in the past about support being a crucial ingredient for successful community arts projects. Today I find myself again thinking about support and how it is key in so much more.

In considering what makes people choose creative over destructive decisions, I realize the role of support. Whether it is in becoming one's true self, creating beautiful objects and experiences or finding creative solutions to problems, it is having someone to listen, be there for you and acce...
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A Structure for Hope

Posted by Sarah McCann on Saturday, June 2, 2012, In : Love 

Struggling to make sense of life. Why we are here. Why our paths cross, why sometimes this is joyful and sometimes sad. Figuring out how to cause the least amount of pain possible. Not causing pain being impossible. We say hello and goodbye. How are you? As long as we care, are we are doing all right? Or is it more about being careful? Not about being fearful, but proceeding with care.

All this has something to do with a quote that I have had in mind often as of late from the book Be...

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On Love and Marriage

Posted by Sarah McCann on Sunday, June 5, 2011, In : Love 
What does marriage have to do with love? I know that as an institution, marriage may not have anything to do with love, that it is a way for the systems of society to control how people relate to one another and that at worst it can be a means for people to control each other. For a long time I did not want to get married, I did not know many married people among my peers and it is only recently that I have begun to be invited to the weddings of my friends. It seems now is as good a time as a...
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Do You Love Yourself?

Posted by Sarah McCann on Saturday, March 27, 2010, In : Love 
I ask this question to people I get involved with. Sometimes it surprises them, sometimes it perplexes them, but it is important. And having asked a few people now, gotten a variety of answers, and been asked it in return I realize that it is really about caring for oneself. Maybe care is a better way to describe it considering how "love" is characterized in this society. I have had a lucky span of time where I have been confident in myself and what I am doing. Of course this is not how I fee...
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The First Day of my 30th Year OR Birthday Thanks

Posted by Sarah McCann on Thursday, March 25, 2010, In : Love 
Today, on the day that I turn 29 and start my 30th year, I wanted to take this space as a place to honor and thank all of you that I have known in my life. You have been part of making me who I am and who I will be. It has been a pleasure to meet and know youall. Without your love and support I could not accomplish as much as I do. I hope that in the years that my life continues, we will continue to know each other and share in the joy of life.

Some words from Rumi I think are quite beautiful ...
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The Illusion of Love in Popular Culture

Posted by Sarah McCann on Tuesday, March 2, 2010, In : Love 
I watched the finale of The Bachelor last night. Having viewed this prime time drama, I am left feeling that television is perpetuating a dangerous view of what love is and should be. I am aware of the cliches that have been ingrained in me by years of consuming tv romance. I understand that love is something deeper and more complex than what tv relationships generally illustrate, but I do on occasion find myself affected by the constant barrage of images of people "falling in love". The inte...
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Dancing as an Act of Love

Posted by Sarah McCann on Sunday, February 28, 2010, In : Love 
Dancing is a way to have voice. A way to express who and what we are and to embody all the joy and feeling of life. When people are fully present in the moment, in the music, in the song, it is not only a beautiful thing to witness, but also to experience. I danced last night at the Ottobar's Prince vs. Madonna vs. Michael Jackson Dance Party and there was a really great feel there. It was not the usual meat market bars tend to be, people were there to dance. And we did. I didn't used to danc...
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That I Don't Know What

Posted by Sarah McCann on Saturday, February 20, 2010, In : Love 
What is it? That je ne sais quoi. That attraction. That magnetism. That indescribable something that some people have. It is not just a physical attraction. It is something more, something deeper. Something that from within a person, draws me toward them. Something that makes me want to be near them. Something that makes me forget myself. Something that is beautiful, joyous, and magic. It is magic. It is a magic that one can feel, an electricity, a chemistry. It is something that doesn't happ...
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Thoughts on Love

Posted by Sarah McCann on Tuesday, February 16, 2010, In : Love 
I am in love, but at this moment in time not with anyone in particular. It is funny to me that I can feel this way without any romantic entanglement. It is something that goes against all the media propaganda on romantic love that encourages the idea that a person cannot be whole without finding that special someone that completes them. I think being complete is really being self-actualized, not meeting prince charming. I visited the National Museum of the American Indian in DC last summer an...

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My blog

This blog will address issues of communication, art, and life from my point of view. It is a means for me to keep writing, thinking critically, and finding meaning in my life and work.