Browsing Archive: July, 2012

Creative Support

Posted by Sarah McCann on Sunday, July 29, 2012, In : Love 
I know that I have written in the past about support being a crucial ingredient for successful community arts projects. Today I find myself again thinking about support and how it is key in so much more.

In considering what makes people choose creative over destructive decisions, I realize the role of support. Whether it is in becoming one's true self, creating beautiful objects and experiences or finding creative solutions to problems, it is having someone to listen, be there for you and acce...
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Realizing Potential

Posted by Sarah McCann on Thursday, July 26, 2012, In : Education 
Thinking about potential today, what encourages people to reach their full potential, how to structure accountability so that people will be active in realizing their potential and what things discourage potential. It somehow reminds me of the 11 people who came together in my graduate program. There was something special in the little over a year I spent with the others in my class. We somehow became coherent as a group, working separately, but connectedly toward social justice and realizing...
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Beasts of the Southern Wild

Posted by Sarah McCann on Sunday, July 15, 2012, In : Entertainment 
The Beasts of the Southern Wild was not the movie I expected it to be. I thought it would be an adventure film, full of wonder and challenge and incredibly unrealistic accomplishments by a young girl that would leave viewers feeling that their life had been affirmed. It was not just a fluff feel good film however, it was a statement, a commentary, a critical look at the world as it is and I am not at all disappointed by this. Leaving the movie theater, my feelings were intense and I had a fie...
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Evaluating Youth Success - You Know It When You See It

Posted by Sarah McCann on Friday, July 13, 2012, In : Youth 
Tonight I attended the OSI Baltimore event How One Program is Keeping Kids in the Community and Out of the Justice System. The event was held at Taharka Brothers Ice Cream Factory. LaMar Davis, Director of The Choice Program was speaking with several of his students. It was a nice event. Food was provided by the Dogwood Restaurant, there was ice cream, of course and a good crowd. 

The beginning of the evening allowed folks to mingle and interact and there were lots of great people to talk to. ...
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My blog

This blog will address issues of communication, art, and life from my point of view. It is a means for me to keep writing, thinking critically, and finding meaning in my life and work.