Browsing Archive: September, 2011

Oh! The Places You'll Go!

Posted by Sarah McCann on Friday, September 30, 2011, In : Personal Experience 
Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places!
You’re off and away!" -Dr. Suess

Today in my after school program at the Creative Alliance we read Dr. Suess' Oh the Places You'll Go! I told my students I picked this book because I am moving. They looked shocked and said, "Where!". I realized they were worried even though I have only known them 3 days and I said, "Don't worry, just across town." It was funny though, I did want to read the book because I felt that even moving c...
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The Questions of Change

Posted by Sarah McCann on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, In : Communication 
It occurred to me last week that change is about questions. Transformation of ourselves and the world will only occur through a challenging of the way we are and a consideration of what is possible. At the moment in my life that I began to see that the world should and could be different, I started asking myself questions like: "To change everything where do we begin?" and "What can one do?". I created signs and banners with these questions on them (see
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Back in the Swing of Things

Posted by Sarah McCann on Thursday, September 22, 2011, In : Personal Experience 
On Sunday I returned from vacation. I had never been to Southern California before this trip and it was beautiful. I enjoyed the sun, the beach, all the friends that I saw there and the new people that I met. Part of me felt I could have spent another week on the beach, but I knew that it was time to come home.

The day after I returned to Baltimore I began a training at the Family League. I am working with the Creative Alliance this year facilitating an after school art club as part of their O...
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My blog

This blog will address issues of communication, art, and life from my point of view. It is a means for me to keep writing, thinking critically, and finding meaning in my life and work.