Browsing Archive: August, 2010

The Artists of What's Your War? Part 3

Posted by Sarah McCann on Saturday, August 28, 2010, In : Personal Experience 

For those of you who did not have the opportunity to view What's Your War? deinstallation began yesterday so unfortunately, you will not be able to. There are plans to put the show online and I will do this as soon as possible, but until then you will have to be satisfied with my continued review of all of the fantastic artists in the show.

I will start with Christine Stiver, whose flipbook The Blind Mole Rat was a huge hit. People seemed surprised to see a flipbook, but were tickled at the s...

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Healing is a Choice

Posted by Sarah McCann on Thursday, August 26, 2010, In : Personal Experience 
Last week was my final week of summer camp. I had a really great group of students, they were enthusiastic, engaged, and energetic. I had started to get a little burned out from the amount of camps that I had been contracted to teach this summer, but this group made me really excited again about what we were doing together. The camp ran smoothly, students got to know each other and as a group, in the classroom, they worked together really well. We didn't hit a bump until recess the second to ...
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The Artists of What's Your War? Part 2

Posted by Sarah McCann on Saturday, August 14, 2010, In : Personal Experience 

To continue writing on the amazing artists that participated in What’s Your War? I will begin with Sabrina Saneaux. Her painting quickly became a kind of showpiece in the gallery. It is the largest piece in the show, but that is not the only reason it captures one’s attention on entering the space. There is something in the complexity of the work, the way that Saneaux layers her figures, their expressions, and the depth of the painting that draw one into it. At the same time so much ...

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The Artists of What’s Your War? Part 1

Posted by Sarah McCann on Thursday, August 12, 2010, In : Personal Experience 

As co-curator I am probably biased in favor of the artists that are in a show that I curated, but I am so impressed by the talent, creativity, dedication, and beauty of the artists that came together in What's Your War? that I cannot help but comment on how blessed I have been to work with these people and the objects they create.

I put a call to artists out before co-curator Oasa DuVerney and I even knew where the show was going to be held. The first submission we received from Freya Pow...

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The Other Guys Make Me Wish I Saw Any Other Movie

Posted by Sarah McCann on Friday, August 6, 2010, In : Entertainment 
I have never in my life walked out of a move, until tonight. This is my week off at home and I am having a hard time not working so I decided what I needed tonight was just some purely entertaining entertainment. I wanted to go to the movies and see something light-hearted, funny, a little bit stupid, and enjoyable. I checked the movie listings, decided against all the heavy sounding flicks at the independent cinema and went to see The Other Guys. I watched the preview and laughed and imaged ...
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A $3,000,000 Wedding

Posted by Sarah McCann on Sunday, August 1, 2010, In : Current Events 
Chelsea Clinton got married yesterday. I have nothing against marriage or weddings, they provide a time for a couple to celebrate with family and friends and can be very beautiful and joyous occasions. My issue with this event is that Chelsea Clinton's wedding to banker Mark Mezvinsky cost $3,000,000 with an estimated addition of $2,000,000 in secret service and other security for her father and former politically leaders in attendance.

Paul Craig Roberts writes about the cost of celebrity wed...
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My blog

This blog will address issues of communication, art, and life from my point of view. It is a means for me to keep writing, thinking critically, and finding meaning in my life and work.